About campaign    

„We all dream of living a long and healthy life.  Having good genes would certainly help make our dream come true, but our lifestyle choices also play an important role.  As Rector and, above all, as a doctor, I wish to invite you to reflect on this matter and encourage you to venture into eliminating any habits or behaviors that are harmful to your health.

I realize that most of us forget about the importance of staying fit, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, avoiding stress and reducing the consumption of stimulants in the midst of everyday responsibilities. In addition, we might have the misconception that leading a healthy lifestyle requires radical changes and therefore, we keep delaying our decision to make changes in our habits.

The GetMUWing campaign - also promoted as "WUModa na zdrowie" - addresses these and many other issues related to starting, maintaining or improving a healthy lifestyle.

With the help and support of specialists and student clubs representing a variety of fields in medicine, the GetMUWing campaign aims at raising awareness and increasing knowledge about many different preventive actions you can take to prolong your youth, improve your physical fitness and achieve a positive state of mind.

The choice is yours. I hope you will take advantage of the GetMUWing campaign events. Living a healthy lifestyle is simple, important and rewarding! "

                                                                                                                                                                                    Mirosław Wielgoś